Press Release


We call for the army general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan of Sudan who declared a state of emergency to return the country back to democracy immediately.

Al-Burhan declared a nationwide state of emergency, dissolved the authorities leading country’s transition to democracy, and announced the formation of a new government after armed forces detained leaders in what activists denounced as a “coup”.

We reject the coup in Sudan where armed forces detained the prime minister.

The chaotic situation is dangerous as tensions between military and civilian figures will escalate into full blown civil war.

The coup that contravenes the Constitutional Declaration (which outlines the transition) is against the will of the people.

Sudan’s military launched a coup attempt, and arrested the Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and other senior ministers and civilian members of the Transitional Sovereignty Council

We express our great concern on the current situation and hope the it will resume to normality as the people will be receiving the consequences and the poor – stricken nation will collapse into a more worsening situation.

Its normalization with israel and the previous breakdown resulting the creation of South Sudan and the recent uprising of Sudanese blocking oil pipeline are incidences that have contributed to the instability of Sudan.

The security and order for Sudan to continue its transition to democracy and to respect the will of the people must be proceed inhindered.

We call for the immediate release of Sudan’s civilian leaders.

We insist that the military must restrain from violence and bloodshed.

The August 2019 power-sharing deal should resume and dialogue between Sudan’s military and civilians need to continue within the framework of the political declaration and the constitutional decree.

The derailed fragile transition to democracy is regretful. The situation should not prevail with the Sudan’s new military government holding to power.

The international call on the military to restore the civilian-led government must be heeded.

We opined that the restoration of the transitional government is the correct path to be taken.

The Sudan army sacked six envoys has made the situation more complex.

Muslim nations must be concern on the army power grab in the poverty-stricken Northeast African nation. All muslims must stand together with the people of Sudan people in their demand for civilian rule.

The days of unrest has to end as campaign of civil disobedience seems to escalate. The demand for a free democratic life in Sudan is loud and clear.

Sudan has progressed with civilian rule since independence in 1956.Now the power grab has violated the constitution.

Sudan should have maintained the joint civilian – military council governed since August 2019 by a joint civilian-military council, as part of a transition to full civilian rule.

We urge the Sudan military to respect the people’s will. Sudan should not be dictated by foreign powers.

Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid
President Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations.

Datuk Sri Syekh Ahmad Awang
International Islamic Tasawwur Center

Datuk Wira Syekh Abdul Ghani Samsudin
Chaorman Secretariate for the Assembly of Ulama of Asia.

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