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  1. It is worth noting, this year will mark the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – events that have left an indelible mark on humanity’s conscience and consciousness.
  2. This year’s 75th anniversary is also a forceful reminder of the catastrophic and lasting human cost of nuclear weapons.
  3. Now, I must argue despite this legacy – we still have countries going after these destructive weapons. Up to this day – we continue hearing news of nuclear proliferation or the possession of such weapons, especially in the Middle East, South Asia, Russia, and North America.
  4. This development suggests humanity may have yet to learn much from the catastrophic use of nuclear weapons. Instead, what we are witnessing during our contemporary times – is the race to possess such a weapon in the name of national defense.
  5. Experts have listed the various impacts of the use of nuclear weapons or warheads. In no particular order, these are:

▪Nuclear weapons are unique in their destructive power and in the scale of human suffering they cause. Their use, even on a limited scale, would have catastrophic and long-lasting consequences for human health, the environment, the climate, food production and socioeconomic development.

▪The health impacts of these weapons can last for decades and impact the children of survivors through genetic damage to their parents. This has been evident where nuclear weapons have been both used and tested. Japanese Red Cross hospitals are still treating victims of cancer and leukaemia attributable to radiation from the atomic blasts – today, 70 years on.

▪Seventy years after the dawn of the “nuclear age,” there is no effective or feasible means of assisting a substantial portion of survivors in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear detonation, while adequately protecting those delivering assistance, in most countries or at the international level.

▪ The humanitarian consequences of a nuclear-weapon detonation would not be limited to the country where it occurs but would impact other countries and their populations. Thus, the continued existence of nuclear weapons and the risk of their intentional or accidental use is and must be a global concern.
The above are some serious ramifications in the use of nuclear weapons.

  1. Notwithstanding the bleak prospect surrounding the impact of nuclear weapon – I must commend Malaysia’s proactive role championing for the ratification Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). I opined this is a seminal step in galvanising continuous pressure on countries possessing nuclear weapons.
  2. We should be cognizant nonetheless – the treaty may not suffice in forcing certain countries to change their nuclear policy overnight.
  3. We are dealing with nations that have to build their sense of invisibility around the possession of nuclear weapons. It may take decades to persuade these actors concerning the use of nuclear weapons.
  4. MAPIM believes Malaysia should equally explore various approaches to get ahead of this problem. In my point of view – apart from the first track diplomacy pursued by Wisma Putra, there is also the second track diplomacy effort that can be pursued by civil society.
  5. Via the second track diplomacy – efforts and network could be cultivated amongst Malaysian NGOs and NGOs from nuclear based countries.
  6. A common platform through the organising of civil society conference on the use of nuclear weapon could be established in Malaysia with the indirect help of the Malaysian government.
  7. I foresee, through this type of conference, the exchange of information or the formulation of pressure strategy against nuclear based countries could be executed more effectively. NGOs from nuclear based countries could return and execute publicity campaign against their countries policy makers on the use of nuclear weapons.
  8. The second aspect is also through engaging civil society from the middle power sector. Middle powers, including Japan, Germany, Sweden, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia, Brazil, Poland, and others, have an important role to play to provide leadership and fresh ideas on key nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation initiatives.
  9. All in all, these are some of the ideas that is worth to be explored by the Malaysian government. There is always a need to complement the effort of the Malaysian Government of those from the civil society segment.
  10. The afore-mentioned strategy can likely be more effective in persuading or influencing nuclear countries in shifting their policy against the use of nuclear weapons.

Thank You

Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid
Presiden MAPIM

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